Sunday 23 August 2015

The Balm Nude' tude palette

Hello everyone!

It's been quite a while since I did my last blog post. It's all because I have been thinking a lot about animals and what role they play in making makeup. I had some time and I' ve decided that I am buying only those makeup brand that don't test on animals. I'm going to do that step by step and really slowly, because there's a lot that I have to give up. So if anyone asks me, what makeup brand doesn' t test on animals I would say the Balm. I had talked about it before and I'm still going to do that, because it's a great brand.

Not a long time a go I purchased an eye shadow palette from the Balm and since I have this blog I thought that why not to share my opinion. The palette itself is called the Nude'tude palette. You can even tell by the packaging that it's a really good one.  Oh, and the pigmentation of the shadows is fantastic and I also love the variation of colours. You have pinks, browns, violets and even black and a highlighting colour. Basically everything you' ll need.

It also comes with a huge mirror and with a brush, which is really usable and yea, I absolutely love it. So like I said you'll have everything in it. It' really good for travelling, though. :-) Futhermore,  if you don't have any ideas for a perfect present, I think this would be ideal.

 If you' r interested, my favourite colours are Stubborn, Selfish and Snobby. The colour Serious is really nice for eyeliner too. So I guess that's it.

Enjoy summer while you can and stay cool!


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